“The Grownup” by Gillian Flynn *REVIEW*


The Grownup: A Short Story, by Gillian Flynn

Where to even BEGIN with this one. Wow. SO good. First of all this story originally appeared in a collection of pieces by several amazing different writers in George RR Martin’s recent book of short stories. In the “Acknowledgements” section of the book Gillian Flynn writes “Thanks to George RR Martin who asked me to write him a story”. I’ll bet he was quite impressed.

I have always loved Gillian Flynn’s books, and “Gone Girl” & “Sharp Objects” completely blew me away when I read them. Her literary voice is so original, raw, and just brutally honest about people (more specifically the dark and twisted side of people) She really celebrates a fucked up character, and makes the reader love them too, even if who they are is pretty horrific/sociopath-ish. In this book’s case, a young and very terrifying little boy (also possible psychopath).

This short story was so creepy/wild and had so many twists and “WHAT THE HELL” style moments, that after I finished reading it, I started re-reading it immediately again to try to piece together the brilliant, twisted and insane masterpiece I had just read. It’s a short book, and took me only an hour or so to read. Not only is it a cute little book, the dust jacket, inside design is so beautiful, it looks great on the shelf.

I don’t really want to say anything else in the way of plot or characters, because I just feel like going into this story with no idea what’s about to happen is just the way to go. I will say this though, if you like haunted houses, creepy children (like children of the corn creepy), and a messed up, hilarious/jaded main character.. then you really need to spend the $13 for this tiny little book. Also makes a great stocking gift  for Christmas!

“Books may be temporary; dicks are forever.”
Gillian Flynn, The Grownup

*** GoodReads Plot Synopsis Below ***

(A canny young woman is struggling to survive by perpetrating various levels of mostly harmless fraud. On a rainy April morning, she is reading auras at Spiritual Palms when Susan Burke walks in. A keen observer of human behavior, our unnamed narrator immediately diagnoses beautiful, rich Susan as an unhappy woman eager to give her lovely life a drama injection. However, when the “psychic” visits the eerie Victorian home that has been the source of Susan’s terror and grief, she realizes she may not have to pretend to believe in ghosts anymore. Miles, Susan’s teenage stepson, doesn’t help matters with his disturbing manner and grisly imagination. The three are soon locked in a chilling battle to discover where the evil truly lurks and what, if anything, can be done to escape it.)

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Thanks for the review. I have ordered this book too, but the delivery is delayed. Impatiently waiitng

    1. Hopefully it comes soon 🙂 You are going to love it so much. Merry Christmas, thanks for the follow 🙂

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