New Addition To The Poetry Shelf.. “Love Her Wild”, by Atticus Poetry.

Why Hello There!

As you guys know, over the past six months or so.. I’ve been steadily building up my “Poetry Collection”. I have a separate shelf just for Poetry, and it’s growing week by week.


Being part of the whole “Bookstagram” community, I’m constantly being shown photos/reviews/ and excerpts from so many new poets.. mainly the very trendy “Instagram Poets” as they are now called by the mass media. For example, just look at the mega success of Rupi Kaur’s book of poetry “Milk and Honey” lately.. The Internet literally took that book by storm, and it’s actually EVERYWHERE I look. I’m so happy because Rupi is incredible, and her poetry deserves to be seen worldwide by the masses.. but something about the whole “Instagram Poet” title feels a bit cheap to me. These amazing Poets are far more then just “Instagram” worthy. Everyone should read these books of poems, and while I’m glad they are getting so much press online, I also hope people realize how they are far more than just the “hype”, if you catch my drift. Okay.. Rant over haha.

Anyways, so I’ve been hearing a ton of buzz about this Poet “Atticus Poetry”, and I was very intrigued. Not only are the snippets of poetry that I’ve come across AMAZING, but he also presents the poems in his book alongside some spectacular Photography as well. By combining the two art forms, it really gives it an edge, and makes it so stand out to me.

The Photography inside this book is absolutely inspiring, and so gorgeous. I found myself stopping every few pages and just thinking “HOW did he get this incredible shot?!”. The poems are gorgeous as well, and they are pretty much everything I’ve been loving about modern poetry these days… and with the addition of the stunning photographic work.. It’s just an all around 10/10 for me.

Atticus the poet is actually doing a “Meet and Greet” tomorrow evening at Metrotown here in Vancouver, and he will be masked for the event.. which I am intrigued by to say the least. I hope I can make it, and get my book signed. I’ll keep you all posted in my upcoming “July Wrap Up” about what happens with this whole “Meet and Greet” thing.

Love you guys,



“We are made of all those who have built and broken us.” 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

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“She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings. ” 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

“Watch carefully
the magic that occurs
when you give a person 
enough comfort
to just be themselves.” 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

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“She wore the moonlight like lingerie. ” 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

“There’s too much risk in loving,’
the young boy said,
said the old man,
‘there’s too much risk in not.” 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

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“I will follow you, 
my love, 
to the edge of all our days,
to our very last 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

“She found herself
over a long
and treacherous road
and the more
the road became,
the more of
she found.” 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

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“You and I 
will be 
lost and found 
a thousand times 
along this 
road of us.” 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

“True art
from flying
with the madness
so close
you burn
your eyelashes.” 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

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― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems

“The beautiful thing
about young love
is the truth
in our hearts
that it will last forever.” 
― Atticus PoetryLove Her Wild: Poems


All Photos: Carly Ingram Photography 2017

My Outfit: Black Tank (Forever 21), Blue Top (Zara)

All Photos of the Book, Taken by Me, Book/Photography Within His Book “Atticus: Love Her Wild”

Purple Pillow: Forever 21

White Pillow: Homesense Canada

Pink Rug: Homesense Canada 


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